Saturday, October 3, 2009

planes, trains, automobiles tours?

On October 1st we began our fall school tours. We had 260 kids parents and teachers the first day. As with anything there was some apprehension in the days leading up to the first. We are doing the tours a lil different this year so we were worried about the flow of things and if the teachers that had been here in the past would like it as much. Thankfully the response to the changes so far have been nothing but positive. Not to be outdone by himself and his previous success with the tours my dad spent many-a-hour going over the changes to ensure a seamless flow of kids and fun (no one has ever accused dad of being and under achiever). What we did different this year was to give the walking tour the ax and instead do a presentation about corn and how the early pioneers and settlers used it. We do this down at the amphitheater we built this summer. We talk about the evolution of how people made corn meal; from the earliest pestle and mortar all the way to the advent of a grist mill. And as it happens we just happen to have a grist mill now so that works perfectly. To be perfectly honest I wasn't so sure that this would work so well or be a success. I was personally very fond of the walking tour because the kids got to learn more about early life before planes, trains and automobiles. I also wasn't sure if the kids and teachers that had been here before would like it. But once again I demonstrated why dad signs the front of the check and I sign the back! One thing is for certain and that is that he has a vision that is spot on with what people like. I still have much to learn from him. Here are some pictures of how the tour went....