Sunday, February 21, 2010

Do we really need this?

   Over the last few weeks I have been reading various articles in the paper debating the placement of a proposed “multimodal” building. All of the articles and stories debate the pros or cons of having it this place or that. While everyone is busy debating where to put the building no one has seemed to mention its true cost. Sure, some have surmised that most of the estimated 15 million dollar price tag will be soaked up by the federal government and that a paltry 1.5 million will be left for the cities tax payers (not to be confused with its citizens), but even this dollar figure isn’t the true cost. There are those applauding the fact that the city might receive 13.5 million dollars from the federal government.  We must not seek to take money from the federal government for a pet project back home. If the city can’t afford to do it on its own then the project should be dead in the water. Just as if I wanted to buy a new car or build an addition to my house but didn’t have the money then I couldn’t do it. Incase people didn’t realize it our federal government does not have its financial house in order. It does not have the money to give away. After all it’s not even its money, It was borrowed from the Chinese.  The true cost to the city and our State will be the continued tax and borrow and spend policies that have helped us arrive at our nations current location; the corner of Broke and Bail Out.